I solved 500 R-lang problems to learn R
Updated at: 29 January 2025For my doctoral studies I decided to learn R lang for data analysis.
1. Print “Hello World”
message <- "hello world"
2. Take input name and age from the user and display a message
n <- readline(prompt = "Enter your name: ")
a <- readline(prompt = "Enter your age: ")
print(paste0("Hello, ", n, "!", " You are ", a, " years old."))
combines strings and adds spaces between, paste0()
pastes without adding spaces.
3. Find the sum, mean and product of vector
vector = c(1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 15, 85, 22, 189)
prod(vector) # multiply all elements of the vector
I didn’t know what a product of a vector is 😮
4. Create numerical, and character vectors
vector = c(1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 15, 85, 22, 189)
vector = c("hello", "it's me", "Mike")
5. Access a specific element in a vector
vector = c("hello", "it's me", "Mike")
vector[3] # prints Mike
6. Calculate the median, skewness and kurtosis of a vector
vector = c(1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 15, 85, 22, 189)
7. Modify an element in a vector
vector[2] = 1 # assigns 1 to the element at position 2
I found out that unlike in most programming languages, in R the arrays start at position 1, not 0
8. Get length of a vector
Founder of Biiird Studio, UX designer, business philosopher, psychologist, and conflict mediator.