Principles on which we run.

They are rules we have written together, subject to updates.
They dictate how we act, especially in face of problems.

Experiment persistently

We test our ideas in small-scale experiments, gathering data and feedback along the way. We analyze the results, refine our approach, and repeat the process.

Test your ideas, globe being pushed by a person

Teach to learn

When you consume information you learn, you learn to efficiently consume information, you train the neuronal pathways that are bringing information IN. To really learn, in a way that makes you able. You need to strengthen the neuronal pathways that are used during recall of information. To do that you need to teach others, write, or put the learned knowledge into practice.

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Write to think

Writing requires us to articulate our thoughts in a clear and coherent manner. This process of putting our thoughts on paper helps to solidify our understanding of a topic and identify any gaps or inconsistencies in our thinking. By writing down our ideas, we are able to see them more objectively and with greater clarity.

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Venture into unknown

In today's age we hardly know anything that is still relevant. All we learned was great in the past. To act effectively, everyone needs to conquer their fear of the unknown. We love the unknown so much, we even made a brand out of it – take a look:

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Visit the balcony

Visiting the Balcony is a metaphorical exercise where we imagine ourselves stepping back from a situation and viewing it from a broader perspective. This allows us to gain a better understanding of the situation and the dynamics at play, as well as to assess our own reactions and behavior.

When in the midst of a difficult or complex situation, it is easy to skick to our own perspective. We may become reactive or defensive, or lose sight of the bigger picture. Visiting the Balcony allows us to take a more objective view, to see the situation from multiple angles, and to better understand the needs and concerns of all parties.

To Visit the Balcony, we may physically step back from a situation, or we may simply take a few deep breaths and mentally distance ourselves. We ask ourselves questions like: What is really going on here? What are the underlying concerns and motivations of all parties involved? What can I do to address the situation in a constructive way?

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Disprove doubters

The desire to disprove doubters can ignite a fire that propels forward. It gives us the drive and determination we need to overcome obstacles and persevere through challenges.

Furthermore, the act of disproving doubters can be incredibly rewarding. There is a sense of satisfaction that comes from achieving something that others thought was impossible. It can be a source of validation and confidence, proving to ourselves and others that we are capable of greatness.

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Be precise in thy speech

The desire to disprove doubters can ignite a fire that propels forward. It gives us the drive and determination we need to overcome obstacles and persevere through challenges.

Furthermore, the act of disproving doubters can be incredibly rewarding. There is a sense of satisfaction that comes from achieving something that others thought was impossible. It can be a source of validation and confidence, proving to ourselves and others that we are capable of greatness.

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Do not use truth as a whip

If you see someone who isn't as attractive, you could say: "You are rather ugly" which in some sense is the truth, but it's not the truth at all, because for it to be the truth it has to serve our human values, enlightenment, vision, and if it is not doing any of these things it isn't the truth, even though it is truth in this local, tiny, often subjective slice of reality. Tell the truth, but minimally and carefully and with hope.

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Listen to understand

Deep empathic listening is the best peacemaking tool ever known to humans. The best tool to update your beliefs. The best way to show humility. The best way to be able to meet someone's wants. The most important element in making one's client's vision a reality.

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Learn to dance

Dance, like music, is ineffable, you know it has meaning, but you cannot articulate it. Even punk-rock nihilists listen to punk-rock music and find it meaningful, even though they don't believe in meaning itself.

Dancing is a way to celebrate successes. It's a way to get in touch with being itself. To play, play along to life. Dance the situations, approach life as if it was a play, and you could dance well.

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No quiet disagreement

Safety from fear of admitting to making a mistake is our leaders responsiblity, they are meant to guard it. Mistakes are discussed openly as normal everyday stuff. They are not held against people.

There is a great story that illustrates the horrible problem of dismissing problems. It's been composed into a children book titled There is no such thing as a dragon by Jack Kent. It's a must read.

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Detach opinions from identity

Detaching opinions from our sense of self makes it easier to change the display of our beliefs. By separating opinions from people, we can respect the other side even if we disagree with their arguments. Often opinions possess people, so whenever we manage to separate opinions from individuals we build bridges to new possibilities, we start a conversation with real, free individuals, not subjugated to an ideology.

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Be fearful of certainty

Socrates before talking with an opponent always asked first how certain are they about what they believe in. If the answer was 100%, there was no utility in talking, so then he wouldn't let himself go down a futile word battle. Not being 100% sure doesn't mean being hesitant or doubtful, it is just leaving room for learning in case new truth would manifest itself.

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Remember: Together is better

Success is when reality looks like whats in our imagination.
– Simon Sinek

"To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together." We believe in the value of relationships. For anyone interested we highly recommend a tiny illustrated book by Simon Sinek called Together is Better, we guarantee it's not just for children.

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Schedule time for unlearning

Socrates before talking with an opponent always asked first how certain are they about what they believe in. If the answer was 100%, there was no utility in talking, so then he wouldn't let himself go down a futile word battle. Not being 100% sure doesn't mean being hesitant or doubtful, it is just leaving room for learning in case new truth would manifest itself.

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Play is important

Lack of play in childhood is one of the best predictors of criminal activity, especially among murderers. We will fire employees if they do not spend enough time with their children.

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Dignify your time

We pay for everything with two currencies: Time and Energy. Avoid unnecessary meetings. Learn Q4 planning and communication.

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Get your ass up

Sitting for long periods of time is detrimental to health even if enough physical activity is present in your weekly schedule. Every 1-2 hours get up for at least ten minutes, make some tea, wash and cut some fruits or use the jump rope to get your legs and your heart active.

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Be mindful of what you eat

An easy way to eat what is good for your brain & body is to not eat anything that poops, avoid fried food and limit highly-processed food. After that you just try to have a good variety in your menu. Also recently more and more studies are showing benefits of intermittent fasting, so you may also try to eat just two to three meals in a 6-7 hour timeframe and then let your digestive track rest for the remaining of the day.

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Screwing up is OKAY

It takes courage to be a fool in the land of strangers.
– Jordan B. Peterson

Whenever you are learning something new you are at first a fool. And you are destined to make mistakes. You should do what you can to avoid them, but when they happen, they should be valued, not dismissed. Take joy in being wrong, saying: 'That's wonderful, I was wrong' allows 'can no longer be wrong about this'.

We help each other learn the lesson and then encourage to continue.

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Be original, take radical risks

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
– George Bernard Shaw

Whenever you are learning something new you are at first a fool. And you are destined to make mistakes. You should do what you can to avoid them, but when they happen, they should be valued, not dismissed. We help each other learn the lesson and then encourage to continue.

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Using CRISPR to edit Principles

Our Principles are very much lika DNA, they contain all the information that has made this company unique and thriving. Yet times change, and our knowledge expands. So we have decided to use CRISPR technology to update our company's Principles, it works just like CRISPR in DNA.

Learn how CRISPR works